Release Note 5.2.29
Client Communication
New Products, New Updates and New Visualizations
March 2023
Four new nationwide products: Solar Contracts, Judgements, Parcel Point Domain, MLS Marketing Analytics
New Climate Risk Analytics Evaluations (Miami Dade/Los Angeles) This product is currently evaluation only.
MLS Marketing Analytics also available in weekly updates
New Visualizations for Total Home Valuex: available for Marketing, Consumer, Origination and Risk Management functions
New Products
Solar Contracts - V1- DS127 - Nationwide
Solar Contracts captures recorded solar agreements for both solar power purchase agreements (PPA’s) and solar leases.
For both PPA’s and solar leases, the homeowner does not own the solar panels and will make monthly payments for the services in which the solar panels provide. Panels are installed, owned and operated by a third party. Notices of licensing and termination are filed with the county recorder, and these are delivered as the lien and lien release for the solar energy contract. Solar Contracts data does not deliver data from agreements in which the solar panels are purchased and financed by the homeowner.
Solar Contracts can be used to identify parcels where solar economics are favorable (cost of construction vs. existing utility rates), and to identify neighborhoods in which Property Solar Panel systems are underutilized.
Judgments - V1- DS128 - Nationwide
Judgments delivers nationwide recorded records from legal judgment documents. Judgments are the result of a debt collection lawsuit in which a judge may award the creditor/debt collector a financial judgment against the debtor. A judgment imposes a personal liability or obligation upon a person or group to another. Judgments are used by financial institutions for risk mitigation activities and lead qualification purposes.
Parcel Point Domain - V1 - DS93 - Nationwide
Parcel Point Domain is a spatial database made up of parcel polygons (boundaries) and point features used to describe a property location. CoreLogic maintains Location and Boundary Data for over 3,000 counties nationwide. Parcel Point Domain is used by researchers, investors, and real estate professionals to accurately locate parcel boundaries and view characteristics unique to each property.
MLS Market Analytics – V1 - DS137 - Nationwide, monthly
MLS Market Analytics delivers data groupings from CoreLogic’s MLS Listings product specifically for Closed MLS Listings for properties that were for sale (not for rent). Generally, this data is ordered as a companion file to Mortgage Market Analytics. MLS Market Analytics are used by clients for internal market analysis.
New - Evaluation Only (Limited Access)
Climate Risk Analytics Evaluations (Miami-Dade/Los Angeles) - DS122 - One time load
CoreLogic’s natural catastrophe risk models (used for Climate Risk Analytics) combine our proprietary datasets and models into a comprehensive single score that incorporates the following hazards: Earthquake, Wildfire, Inland Flood, Severe Convective Storm, Winter Storm, Hurricane/Tropical Storm Surge and Hurricane/Tropical Storm Wind. The CoreLogic Composite Risk Score (CRS), scaled 1-100, represents the sum of the Average Annual Loss (AAL), relative to the calculated Reconstruction Cost Value (RCV), for these hazards, for approximately 135 million residential and 40 million non-residential parcels or structures across the U.S.
CoreLogic’s Climate Risk Analytics product uses catastrophe modeling optimized for Climate Risk scenarios. These scenarios, prescribed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), model out Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios (2.6, 4.5 & 8.5) for all years suggested (Base, 2030, 2040 and 2050). The result is climate risk metrics for each RCP scenario, down to the individual property level. These metrics incorporate IPCC scenarios overlaid with CoreLogic’s proprietary suite of hazard risk data & analytics and catastrophe models. The CRS also provides probabilistic modeling outputs at highly granular asset locations, providing peril Probable Maximum Loss (PML) outputs across multiple (50/100/250/500 year) time horizons, reflecting the financial impacts/materiality of potential hazard and/or climate events.
Climate Risk Analytics is used by government and commercial clients to identify, score, and disclose property risk scores across the United States.
Products Now Updated Weekly
MLS Market Analytics – V1 - DS137nw
MLS Market Analytics delivers nationwide listings of Closed “for sale” properties.
New Visualizations
Total Home Valuex - Marketing - V1 - DS135
Total Home Valuex - Marketing delivers state-of-the-art valuations with the highest hit-rate for marketing uses.

Total Home Valuex – Consumer - V1 – DS133nm
Total Home Valuex Consumer delivers state-of-the-art valuations with highest hit-rate for consumer websites.

Total Home Valuex - Originations - V1 - DS126nm
Total Home Valuex Originations delivers state-of-the-art valuations with highest accuracy for loan underwriting.

Total Home Valuex - Risk Management – V1 – DS116
Total Home Valuex Risk Management delivers state-of-the-art valuations with highest accuracy and hit rate.