Role ->


Ecosystem Admin

Organization admin

Product Manager


Automation Administrator


Asset Creator

Asset Administrator

Manage organization details (for all orgs)









Manage organization types









Invite org users and manage their roles (dependent on permission from org admin)









Manage organization types (org groups)









Manages organization details (for all orgs)









Manages org user invites (for all orgs)









Manages user roles (for all orgs)









Manages organization details (for their org only)









Manages org user invites (for their org only)









Manages user roles (for their org only)









Assign managed subscriptions to DPs published by their org









Manage user's active subscriptions









Manage global Ecosystem T&Cs on platform









Manage global Ecosystem T&Cs on platform









Manage Organization T&Cs on platform









Manage Organization License models









Manage Endpoints









Complete step 2 & 3 of publish - endpoint selection and data review









Complete a data product publish









Complete final step of publish to publish a data product









View user profile









View published data products from same org









View published data products from any org









Expire subscriptions









Delete data products









Manage automated tasks and code assets









Create and manage automated tasks and code assets









Create and manage assets









Manage assets for the whole organization







