What happens when a Data Product is Deleted?
A data product is deletable when there are no:
Active subscriptions
Engineered data product relationships
Automated data product relationships
However, the data product may be:
Used in Spaces
Used in Exports
Referenced by code assets
References by Tasks
When these relationships exist, the data product can be deleted but the deleting user is made aware of these relationships and it is for them to acknowledge and decide on whether the deletion should be proceeded with.
Should the deleter decide to proceed with the deletion:
The above “non-blocking” relationships are handled as follows
Spaces - are locked until the space owner removes the deleted data product from the space spec
Exports - are disabled and the exporting user can decide to delete the export
Code Assets - may fail if there were active references to the deleted data product
Tasks - may fail if there were active references to the deleted data product
The data product is no longer be accessible from anywhere on the platform including the:
Data product page
Data product listings
The data is hard deleted from all stored locations
An audit trail is saved so that some history of the data product’s existence and when it was deleted can be reached