Subscription lineage enforces or does not enforce, the usage restrictions of a data product that is used as a derive a subsequent engineered or automated data product.

Subscription lineage has a big impact on both data publishers and data consumers.

  • If lineage is enforced on a data product created from an endpoint, any user who subscribes to an engineered data product upon which it is based must also subscribe to the contributing original data product. The user must subscribe to a plan that allows Export on both the engineered data product and the contributing original data product to consume the data off-platform.

  • If lineage is not enforced then any user who subscribes to an engineered data product upon which it is based will NOT need to subscribe to the contributing original data product. This user is enabled to use the engineered data product in a Space, or it can be Exported with the need to subscribe to additional data products 

For data publishers it is important to consider if you want to restrict the ability for a consumer to use any data products that are derived from your original data product. This is impactful on a data consumers experience as depending on how subscription lineage is enforced (or not), a data consumer will have more or less restrictions when consuming any engineered or automates data products.

It is important to consider subscription lineage before publishing any data products because if you change your mind, this can have a big impact on data consumers that have active subscriptions. If you do change the subscription lineage, all existing subscribers will need to re-subscribe to a new plan and potentially re-create their work in new Space.