The final step of the publish process is to package your data into a discoverable data product. There is no need to provide any technical information about your data product as this is provided by the Metadata Metrics that are generated for you once you publish your data product to the Exchange.

If you want to promote your data product on the Exchange for others to use then you may need to think carefully about how you describe the value of your data product. If you are simply making your data available to yourself, or your team, then it is not necessary to spend much time on packaging and promoting your data as a data product.

Note: You must have the product owner role to perform this action.

To package a data product start the Package step of an in flight publish process, or:

  1. Click on the Products icon on the navigation bar.

  2. Click on the In Progress tab.

  3. Search for your publisher.
    Toggle between the list or grid view or use the search bar. For each publisher you can see how complete the publish process is by the lines of blue dots.

  4. Click on the selected publisher tile where the Package step needs to be completed

  5. Enter a Description of the data product.

  6. Confirm the Product Name that was entered at the start of the publish process.

  7. Set the image for the Icon.

  8. Set the Tile image which is displayed on the Exchange

  9. (Optional) Enter Header Text to be displayed at the top of the data product page.

  10. (Optional) Upload a Header Image.

  11. Enter a short description.

  12. Enter a long description.

  13. Categorize your data product:

    • Select the tags available from a pull down list, grouped into categories, and apply one or many to your data product. This makes it easier for others to find your data product on the exchange.
      If this option is not available to you then contact Support if you would like to have it enabled.

  14. Define the Visibility of your data product:

    • Set the visibility for your data product on the Exchange. The following options are available:

      • No users have visibility to this data product.

      • Selected users have visibility to this data product.

        • A list of users who you are entitled to interact with are available from a pull down list

      • Selected organizations have visibility to this data product

        • A list of organizations who you are entitled to interact with available from a pull down list

      • All organizations and users have visibility to this data product.

Help: Setting visibility to “No users have visibility to this data product” is a quick way to remove the data product from the Exchange whilst you wait for it to be deleted.

Now your data product is available for others to explore on the Exchange

References and FAQs

Tips to Promote Your Data Product

Metadata Metrics

Data Product Visibility

The Publish Process

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