You can view the status of a Data Product that has been defined as updating.

  1. Click on the Products icon on the navigation bar.

  2. Click on the Published tab.
    Search for a data product or view the list as All or My Products.

  3. Click on a specific data product name to edit the details. If the Data Product has been updated from an endpoint or a Task, the Updates tab is displayed. On this tab you can:

    1. Download a sample Transfer Notification File (TNF) if you need to be reminded of the format.

    2. View the location for the source files and the TNF.

    3. Click the < to view all update details, including:

      • Name of the TNF file.

      • Status of the update.

      • Date the update completed which is used to update the Metadata Metrics.

      • Time started.

      • Duration.

      • File size.

References and FAQs

Transfer Notification File (TNF)