To find out more about a data product:

  1. Click on the Exchange icon on the navigation bar.

  2. Click on your chosen data product tile.

  3. View the information about the data product on the Summary tab.
    The information available is:

    1. Description

    2. Contact email address: in case of any questions about the data product.

    3. Assets: more information describe the content of the data product including:

      1. Sample data.

      2. metadata metrics.

  4. If the data product you are viewing is an engineered data product then click Contributing Data Products to view all contributing products.

    1. Required products require additional subscriptions due to enforced subscription lineage

    2. Other data products do not.

  5. (Optional) View what subscription plans are available to you via the Subscription plans tab.

You are now ready to subscribe to your chosen data product.

References and FAQs

What is a Subscription ?

What is Subscription Lineage ?

Sample Tables

Metadata Metrics

Related Pages

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